The most liked fruit food during fasting is Sabudana Khichdi. And in most of the homes, Sabudana Khichdi is made as a fruit food, because it is not only delicious. Fiber-rich sabudana khichdi is also wonderful in taste. Sabudana Khichdi is one of the most popular fasting dish. farali Sabudana khichdi is totally tasty, spicy, crisp. Sabudana khichdi is usually consumed during fasting. It takes very less time to make this tempting khichdi.
1 Wash the sabudana before soaking it. Washing it will remove the excess starch from the sago beads.2 Use enough water to soak. Do not soak sabudana in too much water.After soaking, drain off the remaining water.3To check if your sago is ready to use, take a bead between the tip of your fingers. If you can break it, it is well ready for use. 4 Do not cook sabudana for a long time. Add sabudana at the end of cooking, stir for just a minute and serve. By frying it for a long time, these kernels become .
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