Chowmein is one of the most famous street food of India. , Everyone loves chowmein. It is a very famous dish all over the world. Everyone's mouth waters on hearing the name of Chowmein. Especially, every kid has this favorite dish. Chowmein can be served to children in the evening snack and breakfast. Making chowmein is very easy. You can make it nutritious by adding vegetables to it and make it full of health for children. In this way, it will be beneficial for the children.
1. When the water comes to a good boil, the chowmein noodles have to be put to boil. 2. Do not over-cook the chowmein noodles otherwise they will become sticky.3. Before frying chowmein, all preparations have to be done because they have to be cooked on a high flame.
â‚ą. 55.00
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