Fancy a barnyard millet recipe with a twist of plum and amaranth leaves dressing? This protein rich healthy recipe is a suitable recipe for diabetics. With this recipe, you will never again get bored of the bland salads!
Barnyard millet, which is also known as Sanwa millet has a similar texture to that of the broken ...
Garlic belongs to a similar family as onions, shallots, and leeks. It is a veget ...
Plums are a round fruit with a thin, smooth skin and small size. They can be oval to heart-s ...
Black salt is a type of rock salt, which is a salty and pungent-smelling condiment. It has been u ...
Salt is a mineral which occurs naturally in seawater or in underground rocks. It is composed of t ...
Olive oil is an edible fat that is obtained from the fruit of the Olea Europaea, which ...
Sugar is a common sweetener made from juice of processed sugar beets and sugar cane or ...
Mixed bell pepper is a blend of colorful bell peppers that are a cultivar group of the species Ca ...
Barnyard millet, which is also known as Sanwa millet has a similar texture to that of the broken ...
The onion is a vegetable most common in every cuisine around the world. It is the bulb of the oni ...
Garlic belongs to a similar family as onions, shallots, and leeks. It is a veget ...
Plums are a round fruit with a thin, smooth skin and small size. They can be oval to heart-s ...
Black salt is a type of rock salt, which is a salty and pungent-smelling condiment. It has been u ...
Salt is a mineral which occurs naturally in seawater or in underground rocks. It is composed of t ...
Olive oil is an edible fat that is obtained from the fruit of the Olea Europaea, which ...
Sugar is a common sweetener made from juice of processed sugar beets and sugar cane or ...
Mixed bell pepper is a blend of colorful bell peppers that are a cultivar group of the species Ca ...
Classic french recipe of pesto having rich taste of garlic, basil.
Classic french recipe of pesto having rich taste of garlic, basil.
Italian mother Sauce
Italian mother sauce.
It gives a unique taste jalapenos.
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