Veggie Rawa Pancake Recipe | Relish This Pancake With An Indian Twist As A Healthy Breakfast Option Recipe

Pancakes are always considered as a healthy food option to savour. However, at Flavors to Savour, I gave it (Veggie Rawa Pancake) a touch of Indian-ness. To make it with an Indian twist and a bit of sour taste made me make it in a completely new lets start the recipe....

  • Prep time:
  • 10 minutes.
  • cook time:
  • 10 minutes.
  • serves:
  • 10 person

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Level : Easy

Cuisine : Fusion

Course : Breakfast


  • #COntest116
  • #FunWithVeggies

Ingredients For Veggie Rawa Pancake Recipe | Relish This Pancake With An Indian Twist As A Healthy Breakfast Option Recipe

  • 1. In a large mixing bowl add Suji, Salt, Buttermilk, and mix it well and rest it for 10 minutes. meanwhile cut all vegetables finely.
  • 2. Then take batter and mix all chopped vegetable in it add red chilli powder and prepare a tadka add oil in pan add cumin seeds,mustard sedds and curry leaves in it after crackle add it to batter than add finely chopped coriander also.mix it well.
  • 3. Then add 1 tsp baking soda and mix it well take a dosa pan spread oil on it make sure tawa is on mid flame .
  • 4. Then take a one tablespoon batter and spread on tawa make small circle shapes. Roast it from both sides till golden brown in color. Serve hot with chutney,sauce as per yours choice.

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